Model for a Day – Sophia’s story

Ever since she was little Sophia has loved to perform and been interested in fashion and even done a little modelling.  Last Summer she was offered the opportunity during the holidays to do a one-on-one workshop with Bespoke Portraiture on location in Sorrento.

She arrived with her own creative mix of clothing (I told her not to buy anything new) and the coolest collection of contemporary accessories I’ve ever seen!  Together we created several different looks and then we got to work creating the images below.

As we progressed, her confidence grew and she relaxed in front of the camera.  You can really see it in theses gorgeous shots below.

After the session Sophia and her mum selected six electronic images from the day that they felt were a positive reflection of her and her personality.  Since that day Sophia has decided to make a return to modelling with a leading Melbourne agency.  The agency was so impressed with the images we created that they requested some of these images be used in Sophia’s online portfolio.

This has proven a succesful strategy by the agency as casting agents have often requested Sophia’s portfolio also include her Bespoke Portraiture images.  Sophia also recently secured a high profile TV commercial “Radiant Laundry powder/Gel” which aired in June 2011 and can be seen here:

To this day Sophia still uses her Bespoke Portraiture images online in her profile on Facebook and always receives lots of positive feedback from friends and family when she rotates between them.  Her friends have even been inspired by the images to try and pose for their own photos.  The images have even proved useful for school where she used one in art class as a study to create a charcoal self portrait.  In addition, she has included her image electronically in a successful application for a school leadership position on the student council.

Her family also purchased from Bespoke Portraiture images of Sophia in modern sleek frameless tiles as Christmas gifts for the home and office (and grandparents) as they needed some new updated images of her as a confident young woman.  Perhaps the most pleasing outcome of this experience for me as the photographer is that Sophia has a collection of images that she likes, is proud to use, continues to use and her mum is completely comfortable for her to share them as they show her looking her best, in an age appropriate manner.

Register your child for the next Model for a Day workshop or please email me for further details at

One Response to “Model for a Day – Sophia’s story”
  1. Robyn says:

    Thanks for writing this story. I wasn’t sure the workshop was for my daughter but after reading your blog I can see the workshop has benefits way beyond just “posing” in front of the camera. How cool it was that young girl got to do her own “fashion shoot” workshop with you! Loved all the pictures. Very stylish but as you say “age appropriate”!

    My daughter is so excited and can’t wait for the workshop.

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